Better sleep, better connection, and better communication for Artem! 🎉
Before care, Mom said, “Our biggest challenge was sleep. Prior to chiropractic care, the longest stretch of sleep our family had in 2.5 years was 2 nights. Our norm was 4+ wakeups a night. We were sleep-deprived. 🥱 It affected all areas of our daily life. Artem wasn’t able to engage in all of his therapies, he was irritable, and he had trouble engaging with us. We, as parents, were exhausted. We all lived in fight-or-flight mode.
We felt trapped in a cycle. Trying to figure out the perfect wake windows and bedtime felt like a math equation. Everyone would give us suggestions for what we should do, but nothing worked. We would become so excited when we made it to our second night in a row of sleep, only to be met with defeat when we didn’t make it to a third.
We had tried sleep training, 😴 timing wake windows, strict daytime schedules, sensory activities, early bedtimes, late bedtimes, multiple naps, no naps…nothing worked.” 😩
His incredible parents decided to give Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic a try, and with consistent care, Artem’s little body finally started being able to hit the brake pedal. 😌

Mom said, “ About 2 months into our care plan, we made it to our 3rd night of sleep…then a 4th night… then a 5th night…then we started to lose count.” 💤
Now she says, “Artem is a different child. People who don’t even know that Artem receives chiropractic care say, “Artem is a different kid now!” We feel like we have our toddler back. It is like an entire world opened up to him that he didn’t know existed before. He loves to engage with us; he’s silly and cuddly! 🥰 He is energetic and able to attend all of his therapies. Because of this, he is taking in so much more. He is now communicating with us and beginning to have spontaneous speech. Artem goes to bed at 6:30 pm every night, and we wake him up at 7:00 am every morning. The entire family is able to sleep again.” ❤️