Ian is now regulating his emotions like a champ! 🙌🏻 But his emotions got the best of him for a long time.
His mom said it started to affect him to the point where he was getting in trouble at school. He had trouble focusing, interacting with others, being aggressive, and not being able to control his behavior. 😡
Mom said, “Teachers were calling me every single day telling me that he had a rough day, and he was saying stuff about hurting himself or others. We were suggested to medicate him, and we did it for one year, but it made things worse. We felt hopeless. We were trying so hard, and things were getting worse” 😖
So when they found out how Neurologically-Focused chiropractic could help, they decided to give it a try.
Ian’s nervous system 🧠 was so dysregulated and stressed that it wasn’t able to adapt to life very well. He was stuck in a gas pedal, fight/flight response that caused him to react defensively to others instead of responding in a way that was healthy.
Mom said, “When we started this chiropractic care I saw the difference right away, he seemed more relaxed and focused. 🎉
And now, we definitely are happier! We love seeing him enjoying school more, not getting those calls with bad news every day, watching him being able to handle his emotions and reactions, and not getting frustrated very quickly. He still has some episodes, but nothing compared to a few months ago. We are very thankful.” ❤️
Way to go, Ian! Seeing your amazing personality shine through is incredible! 😊