From Nonverbal and Difficulty Walking to Putting Words Together and Running

Name: Nolan
Challenge: Autism

Story Of Hope For Nolan

Nolan’s mom tells her heartfelt ❤️ story about how Nolan’s struggle turned into STRIDE 🏃 (literally) 

“Where to even begin?!  We brought Nolan in at age 2 and a half, which was right after he was diagnosed with autism.  He was struggling A LOT with gross motor skills, nonverbal speech, sensory, and motor planning.  He even had difficulty with walking due to low muscle tone and was stimming very often. 

Nolan had been in early intervention since 9 months old, but we felt he was “stuck” and had “plateaued” in progress. Thankfully, friends of ours and Nolan’s occupational therapist both sent us information on the Perfect Storm Workshop.  My husband and I attended and signed Nolan up to start the process right away.

We have been going to our PX Docs chiropractic office for about a year and a half now, and this is truly one of Nolan’s  “Happy Places.” He loves coming!  To see his body and mind literally calm down during and after his adjustments melt our hearts. 

Nolan has not only learned how to walk but can RUN now too. He is improving his speech skills (putting 2 words together) and is learning strategies to help regulate his body. 

Nolan definitely has work ahead, but we truly feel that he wouldn’t be entirely where he is today if it wasn’t for us taking the leap of faith and trusting the doctors at our PX Doc office.  I get emotional even talking about all the success he has had since we started going.” 

Nolan is so lucky to have you as his mom! Your strength and tenacity to do everything for your kiddo is so admirable!

The world can be so quick to tell us what our children can’t 🙅 and won’t ❌ be able to do. But with chiropractic care (and amazing mommas like you),  we get to see POTENTIAL ✅ , POSSIBILITIES ✅ , and best of all, we get to see PROGRESS✅ 

GO, NOLAN, GO! We can’t wait to see what’s in store for you next, bud!

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