Michael kicked his torticollis to the curb and is hitting his milestones like a champ! 🌟
Mom said, “At about 4.5 months, Mikey was diagnosed with torticollis and mild plagiocephaly. He did not have full range of motion and would only turn his head fully one direction. This was affecting feedings, tummy time, and sleep! We would try and move his head the opposite way, and he would quickly move it back- awake and asleep.”
They had already explored physical therapy and were getting evaluated for a helmet ⛑️ to help his flat spot, but mom said she was stressed not knowing if that was the right path for him or if it would fully correct his challenges. She said, “we were looking to get to the root cause, not just put a bandaid on the issues.” 🤕
After going to a PT that recommended stretches they had already been doing, they decided to give chiropractic care a try!
Mikey got his neurological scans 📈 which showed he was holding onto a lot of extra neurological tension in his body and mom said, “I thought it was amazing to see the tension in his upper shoulder area on the side he didn’t have the full range of motion.”
So, with specific and gentle pediatric adjustments, Michael’s lack of motion was quickly a challenge of the past.
She says, “We realized chiropractic was working when he would quickly move his head left and right while following us or during tummy time.” Mom also noticed less crying and discomfort, less straining and arching of the back, and that he was overall more smiley and engaged. 😁
Now, with continued care, Mom describes Michael as “the happiest baby.” He kicked his torticollis to the curb, his head shape is improving, and he is now meeting all of his milestones with no issues!! Way to go, Michael! ❤️