“EXTREME” was the word that mom first used to describe Bradley’s behavior in school.
He was very high energy , unable to sit still and focus on directions
. He was easily overwhelmed by changes in routine and his stressed behavior was overshadowing his ability to just be himself- the smart and sweet kiddo that he really is!
The negative reports from teachers were piling up and Bradley’s mom was in a place of frustration and despair . She said that she felt helpless and didn’t exactly know where to turn. She didn’t want to have to use medications, and said that thankfully she found PWC first!
His neurological scans showed that the extra “noise” in his body was creating a very busy brain
and a low adaptability to stress. His body was having to work very hard to do even the simplest of functions so no wonder anything extra or out of the ordinary was very overwhelming!!
Diving into the care plan, Mom said they started noticing that even within the first couple of weeks he was much calmer and getting less negative reports from school.
There were a LOT more good days than bad, she said. Go Bradley!!
Deeper into care, mom says that he is a happier kiddo who is thriving in school . She said he is handling stress SO much better, is more easy going, and can focus more easily.
Best of all, she says Bradley is “back to himself”.
We could not be happier for this goofy little dude who brings so much fun energy into our office.