After switching up her doctor team completely, Laura is medication-free and adapting to life’s stress like never before! 💪🏻
Here’s what she has to say, “I found myself in a very stressful and sad chapter in my life. I decided to make a healthier lifestyle a priority to try to manage my emotions and physical pains that came along with my body operating in crisis mode. I was so overwhelmed, but I knew others relied on me, and I needed to figure something out to deal with the challenges I was facing.
Before finding my PX Doc, my primary care doctor increased my medicine, which made me feel terrible, but I just assumed since I was stressed out, that’s what I should expect. I had been relying heavily on anti-anxiety and antidepressants to get me through my days.
Once I started at my PX Doc office, the first thing I noticed was I was able to feel my shoulders release, the knot in my neck go down, and the headaches began to be less frequent.
Within a month or so, I felt a sense of physical calm to the point where I was willing to try to reduce the meds. And by the second month, I was off of all meds completely!
Pairing counseling with this chiropractic care has been my golden ticket to an emotionally balanced life. I am able to wisely navigate making important decisions and can handle anything that comes my way.
I have a tool in my healthy lifestyle toolbox. Besides the subsiding headaches and sense of calm I have now, my body has adapted, and I am able to lose weight and sleep better. I have gotten to the point that, despite this stressful life chapter, I am feeling like myself again….hopeful, grateful, blessed, and on my way to a healthier life for the long term.” ❤️
Way to go, Laura!! We are so proud of you for taking charge and choosing a different path for health and your life 🙌🏻