From Born Premature and Fighting to Survive to Experiencing More Little Miracles After Starting Chiropractic Care

Name: Brody
Challenge: Special Needs

Story Of Hope For Brody

Brody’s journey into life is nothing short of an absolute miracle. 🙏 He was born at just 23 weeks – weighing in at 1lb and 2oz. The doctors gave him only a 5% chance of survival, but after spending 148 agonizing days in the NICU (which included a severe brain bleed, hydrocephalus, heart murmur, and more)… Brody made it! 💪🏻 A little boy, but the biggest blessing to this world.

Since then, Brody has had to continue to battle. 😞 He has struggled with everyday challenges like eating, sleeping, digestion, and movement coordination– even sitting upright.

Mom said, “When Brody gets upset, he arches his back or throws his head. He will stiffen up when upset, too. He leans to the side a lot and tilts his head when he is eating, thinking, or during therapies…

Brody also does not engage in purposeful play. He likes to watch other children play, but there is no social interaction of taking turns, or conversation since Brody has not quite learned to use an “inside” voice yet. His behavior lately has been overwhelming to the point that I feel like I am losing my bond with my boy :(“

But, when his warrior mama did everything she had to in order for him to get to the PWC Perfect Storm Intensive Program, Brody reached a whole new level of healing. 🙌🏻 And boy, did Brody crush his goals!! ✨

From Born Premature and Fighting to Survive to Experiencing More Little Miracles After Starting Chiropractic Care | PX Docs
Brody’s Before Scan
From Born Premature and Fighting to Survive to Experiencing More Little Miracles After Starting Chiropractic Care | PX Docs
Brody’s Progress Scan

Among the long list of improvements, mom reported that Brody finally started sleeping better, eating, and pooping more independently. He had a lot more head control, balance in a seated position, and improved spatial awareness … She also noticed a big improvement in his ability to stay calm, with less temper, less rage, and much more smiling. 😎 (that smile though!!)

 Go Brody Go!! For your big and little miracles- we are so happy for you and can’t wait to see what’s next for you in life! 🚀

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