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Why Your Child Experiences a Regression During a Heavy Metal Detox

Updated on Mar 3, 2025

Reviewed By: PJ Howland

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Did you know that 80% of the toxic chemicals tested in a study were present in umbilical cord blood, indicating that they crossed the placenta into the fetal environment?

As a parent, it’s painful to watch your child struggle. Especially when you’ve pinned your hopes on a detox, only to see your child seemingly get worse instead of better. If you’ve started a heavy metal detox (or any other kind of detox) for your child and suddenly noticed a resurgence of challenging behaviors, you’re likely feeling discouraged, confused, and even a little betrayed.

You’re not alone, and this is actually very common.

Many parents embark on a detox protocol with high hopes, only to find themselves wondering why their child is suddenly having more meltdowns, sleep issues, seizures, motor tics, anxiety, potty accidents, or other behaviors they thought were long behind them. The natural conclusion is that detox isn’t working, or worse, that it’s harming your child.

But what if we told you there were two different scientifically viable reasons for this response, and that one is most often a good thing and the other simply requires a fairly simple “reroute” or “reordering” of their treatment and care protocols?

Simply put if your child’s behavior and other symptoms are getting worse during a detox protocol, then it’s very likely one of these two scenarios is at play: 

  1. It’s a temporary, naturally occurring, and needed part of the healing process. 
  2. It’s a sign that their body, and specifically their nervous system, is not quite ready to handle the detox just yet, and some foundational neurological healing + reorganization is needed first. 

In the same way a spring cleaning of your home often looks messier before everything is put back in its place, a detox can stir up toxins in the body before finally clearing them out. As long as your child has received proper nervous system focused care first and foremost, and is in a “stable” and “ready state” for the detox to occur, not only will the side effects likely be less volatile and apparent, but they’ll be able to receive the maximum impact of the detox. 

When it comes to natural, drug-free, holistic healing nothing matters more than the sequence or “batting order” of the different providers, treatments, and care protocols required to make this process happen as smoothly and completely as possible. This is perhaps the most difficult part for parents to sort out, because very few providers or resources discuss this foundational healing guideline. And most importantly, because when your child is struggling what feels right in your heart is to go as fast as possible and “stack” as many healing modalities and treatments together as fast as possible. 

If you’ve had that parental “gut feeling” that you’re maybe going too fast and doing too much all at once, please take a deep breath and know we’ve all been there. I’ve been there myself as both a parent and a provider, which is why this article may be one of the most important resources you can ever come across during your healing journey. It’s simply real life for so many of us working as hard as we can to help our children heal. Unfortunately, natural health and neurological healing especially are a class example of the tortoise winning the race, not the hare. 

What is Regression During Heavy Metal Detox?

Regression during detox refers to a temporary worsening of signs or resurgence of previously resolved issues. It can also lead to new symptoms or physiological expressions that were not present previously. For children undergoing heavy metal detox, this can manifest as:

  • Increased tantrums, aggression, or defiance
  • Resurgence of bedwetting or potty accidents 
  • Disturbed sleep patterns or difficulty falling asleep
  • Heightened anxiety or emotional dysregulation
  • Worsening of tics or stimming behaviors
  • Increases or pattern changes in seizure activity 

While alarming for parents to witness, this regression is actually a normal and even necessary part of the detox process in many cases. Consider the analogy of cleaning out your closets or pantry: when you first get to work you must take everything out and sort through it, creating quite a mess in the rest of the house (different symptoms) and quite a bit of stress wondering if the process is even going to be worth it. 

Similarly, heavy metal toxicity is drawn out of tissues and cells during detox; they temporarily recirculate through the bloodstream before being eliminated, provoking a flare-up of signs. This is true also of other types of toxins, parasites, and so forth. 

Thankfully, this regression period is short-lived. Children may experience a peak in symptoms for 1-2 weeks before seeing improvements. In more severe cases or in older children where toxins have accumulated for longer, the regression period may last up to a month or two. However, even in the midst of the behavioral storm, it’s crucial to remember that this is a sign of healing, not of harm.

Regression signals that the nervous system detox process is working to clear out what doesn’t belong in your child’s body and brain. The resurgence of old traits means that deeply embedded toxins are being uprooted so they can finally be eliminated. In other words, things often get worse before they get better—but that “worse” is evidence of incredible progress beneath the surface. 

Is There a Way to More Safely + Smoothly Detox?

This is a question we wish badly that more providers and parents alike would ask, because it turns out there is. As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, there are actually two sound scientific explanations for things getting worse during a detox. The first of which we just explained in the previous section, and is most likely to occur when it’s a natural and needed process. The second is a bit more complex and intricate, but we’ll explain it in a simple and straightforward way here in this section. 

Simply put, the vast majority of neurological conditions and chronic illness cases we see in our clinic suffered 2-3 major insults or injuries to their health at an early stage. Not only were they exposed to an entirely excessive toxic load, but they also likely went through significant neurological stress and disrupted development from two other massively overlooked factors: 

  1. High amounts of emotional stress during the fertility journey and fetal development (pregnancy) stage, which has been strongly associated with negative health outcomes and altered neurodevelopment in various research studies. 
  2. Physical injury and damage to the brainstem, vagus nerve, and other delicate neurological tissues via birth interventions (forceps, vacuum, c-section, induction, etc.) and birth trauma, which has also been strongly associated with chronic health issues in kids later in life. 

You can find all sorts of additional information and all the research citations here in our Perfect Storm article

Both of these real life, extremely common scenarios can disrupt nervous system development and function in a major way, leading to conditions such as subluxation, dysregulation, and dysautonomia. These foundational neurological conditions then lead to compromised gut and immune system functioning, leaving a child more vulnerable to toxins, heavy metals, and chemical insults due to having a suppressed detoxification and elimination system. 

We bring all this into the conversation because simply put, if your child has nervous system dysregulation and dysfunction from something like birth trauma, then putting a heavy metal or any kind of detox in play first before that foundational root cause has been properly addressed, is likely the reason they are experiencing such regression or emergence of new symptoms during the detox – their nervous system is simply not stable enough to handle it yet. 

What Heavy Metals Are Targeted in a Heavy Metal Detox?

The heavy metals most commonly targeted in heavy metal detoxes are:

  • Mercury
  • Lead
  • Arsenic
  • Cadmium

These metals are frequently mentioned in discussions about heavy metal detoxification due to their potential toxicity and prevalence in the environment. They are considered particularly harmful because they have no beneficial role in human health and can contribute to various chronic diseases when they accumulate in the body.

Other heavy metals that may also be addressed in detox protocols, though less frequently mentioned, include:

  • Aluminum
  • Nickel
  • Thallium
  • Uranium

It’s important to note that while some heavy metals like iron and zinc are essential for health in small amounts, the metals targeted in detox protocols are those that can be toxic even in relatively low concentrations.

What Else May Need to Be Detoxed?

Often a detox goes beyond heavy metals to target a range of harmful substances and pathogens in the body. Here’s a breakdown of what these detox protocols often aim to remove:

Environmental Toxins

  • Pesticides and Herbicides: Residues from agricultural chemicals like glyphosate that disrupt the microbiome and immune system.
  • Chemical Pollutants: VOCs (volatile organic compounds), plastics (e.g., phthalates, BPA), and industrial chemicals that accumulate in the body.
  • Mold Toxins (Mycotoxins): Toxins released by mold, such as aflatoxins and ochratoxins, which can contribute to chronic illness and inflammation.


  • Parasites: Intestinal parasites (e.g., roundworms, tapeworms) and microscopic protozoa that can drain the body of nutrients and cause systemic inflammation.
  • Candida and Fungal Overgrowth: Yeast infections like Candida albicans, which can disrupt gut health and immune function.
  • Harmful Bacteria: Dysbiosis-causing bacteria that release endotoxins, leading to gut and systemic inflammation.
  • Viruses: Certain protocols aim to support the immune system in managing latent viral infections (e.g., Epstein-Barr virus, herpes simplex).


  • Biofilm Disruption: Biocidin, in particular, targets biofilms—protective shields formed by bacteria, parasites, or fungi that make them resistant to the immune system and treatments.

Toxins from Metabolic Waste

  • Endotoxins: Toxins released when harmful bacteria die off, triggering inflammation (also known as a Herxheimer reaction during detox).
  • Ammonia: Often a byproduct of parasitic infections or gut dysbiosis that can be neurotoxic if not properly eliminated.

Hormone-Disrupting Compounds

  • Xenoestrogens: Chemicals that mimic estrogen, such as those found in plastics and personal care products, which can interfere with hormonal balance.

Lymphatic and Liver Congestion

  • Stagnant Lymph: Support for detoxing the lymphatic system, which is responsible for waste removal and immune function.
  • Liver Toxins: Bile-supporting products help the liver process fat-soluble toxins and remove them via bile pathways.

How The Different Toxin Detox Methods Combatants Work

  • Binders: Products like HM-ET Binder or Biotoxin Binder bind toxins in the gut to prevent reabsorption and promote elimination.
  • Antimicrobial Botanicals: Ingredients like berberine, garlic, and oregano oil target pathogens and biofilms while supporting the immune system.
  • Drainage Support: Herbs and supplements to improve liver, kidney, and lymphatic system function, aiding the body’s natural detox pathways.

These detox protocols aim to address the secondary root causes of chronic illness, inflammation, and immune dysfunction by supporting the body’s natural ability to clear toxins, pathogens, and metabolic waste. But once again it’s important to really dive deep into your child’s case history and determine if there was nervous system dysfunction and dysautonomia most likely present first, thus leading to the compromised immune system and altered detox pathways. If the neurological component is addressed first and foremost, the detoxification process will always be limited and more susceptible to side effects and regressions. 

Why Do Some Kids Require a Heavy Metal Detox?

It’s normal for children to be energetic and occasionally distracted or upset. However, when these behaviors become disruptive, it may indicate a behavioral disorder. Research from 2019 shows that one in six children in the U.S. has developmental and behavioral disorders, including ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), anxiety, learning disorders, and other behavioral issues.

In a foundational 2014 report from neurology experts Philippe Grandjean and Philip Landrigan called, “Neurobehavioural effects of developmental toxicity” the researchers made the connection between the rising rates of behavioral diagnoses of children and heavy metal exposure.  

Multiple studies have found evidence linking heavy metal exposure to neurodevelopmental issues and behavioral disorders in children:

  • A 2020 study published in Nature Communications found that prenatal and early postnatal metal exposures were associated with dysregulation of cellular bioenergetics in children with Autism, particularly those with neurodevelopmental regression
  • A systematic review of studies from low-and-middle income countries found consistent evidence that lead and manganese exposure had detrimental effects on children’s neurodevelopment.
  • Studies have reported associations between heavy metal exposures, particularly lead, and behavioral problems in children. Lead exposure has been linked to learning difficulties, special education needs, and aggressive behavior.
  • Multiple organizations along with thousands of providers and professionals have long observed clinically, and in various research projects, that an overloading and early onslaught of vaccinations full of toxic chemicals are most certainly strongly associated with the epidemic rise in chronic illness in kids.

Simple Ways to Initiate a Heavy Metal Detox for Children

  • Chiropractic Care: Neurologically-focused chiropractic care is incredibly effective at restoring foundational neurological and physiological functions, with the most common initial responses being increased digestive motility and elimination, stronger immune response and overall resilience, lowered inflammation, and more. This serves as a wildly safe and effective way to foundationally activate the body’s detox pathways without the use of medications, supplements, binders, or other detox protocols. 
  • Dietary Adjustments: Include foods rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients like vitamin C, calcium, and iron, which can reduce heavy metal absorption. Examples include citrus fruits, leafy greens, berries, and whole grains. Add detox-supportive foods such as garlic, onions, and cruciferous vegetables (e.g., broccoli and cauliflower), which support liver detoxification. Limit processed foods and high-mercury seafood like swordfish and king mackerel.
  • Hydration: Encourage adequate water intake to support kidney function and help flush out toxins through urine. Use filtered water to avoid exposure to heavy metals like lead or arsenic in drinking water.
  • Detox Baths: Epsom salt baths are a gentle way to facilitate detoxification through the skin. Use 1/4 to 1/2 cup of Epsom salts in warm bathwater, letting the child soak for about 20 minutes.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Regular physical activity promotes circulation and sweating, aiding natural detoxification processes.
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The “Perfect Storm” of How Toxins Accumulate

To understand why detox can trigger temporary regression, it’s important to understand how children accumulate such a heavy burden of toxins in the first place. In our modern world, little bodies are assaulted by toxins from all directions, creating a “Perfect Storm” that can overwhelm even the healthiest of children. Let’s break down the major factors that contribute to this toxic load.

Even before a child takes their first breath, the stage is being set for toxin accumulation. Maternal stress during pregnancy has been shown to impair the development of the fetal detoxification system, particularly the liver. This means that many babies are born with a reduced capacity to process and eliminate toxins from day one. Nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy can compound this issue, depriving the growing fetus of the building blocks needed to construct robust detox pathways.

The process of birth itself can also contribute to the toxic load. Birth trauma and Interventions like C-sections, forceps deliveries, and vacuum extractions are often necessary for a safe delivery—but they can also cause subluxations, or misalignments of the spine and cranial bones. These subluxations can lead to dysautonomia, compress nerves, and disrupt communication between the brain and organs of detoxification, further reducing the body’s ability to eliminate toxins.

Once a child enters the world, they’re bombarded by toxins from every angle. Heavy metals like lead, mercury, and aluminum lurk in everything from drinking water to baby food to toys. Pesticides and herbicides lace much of our produce, while hormones and antibiotics taint conventional meat and dairy. 

Studies show that heavy metals in a mother’s environment can make their way into the milk they give to their baby. It is generally accepted that the concentration of heavy metals in breast milk is typically lower than in the mother’s blood. In other words, infants are often exposed to higher levels of metals as fetuses through the placenta than through breast milk.

Even the air we breathe is laced with pollutants and chemicals. For little bodies already struggling with impaired detox abilities, this constant assault can quickly overwhelm their systems.  In fact, on a daily basis, Americans are exposed to many of the 80,000 chemicals currently used in the United States.

This combination of prenatal stress, birth interventions, and environmental toxins creates a “Perfect Storm” that sets the stage for neurological and immune dysfunction. A child’s body can only handle so many toxic metals before it becomes symptomatic. Behavioral issues, stimming, aggression, and frequent illnesses are all signs that the bucket has overflowed.

Impact of Subluxation and Nervous System Dysregulation 

As toxins accumulate due to the “Perfect Storm” of prenatal stress, birth interventions, and environmental exposures, they can cause profound dysregulation of the nervous system itself. At the heart of this dysregulation is a phenomenon known as subluxation.

In chiropractic terminology, a subluxation refers to a misalignment or dysfunction in the spinal column that irritates the delicate nerves branching off from the spinal cord. These nerves are the communication superhighways between the brain and the rest of the body. When they’re impinged or compressed by a subluxation, the vital messages they carry become distorted or interrupted. It’s like static on a phone line—the signal is fuzzy, and communication becomes unreliable.

One of the most profound impacts of subluxation is on the Autonomic Nervous System, which regulates involuntary functions like heart rate, digestion, and, crucially, detoxification. Subluxations can cause the sympathetic branch of the Autonomic Nervous System to become dominant, keeping the body in a chronic state of “fight or flight.” In this state, blood flow is diverted away from organs of detoxification, like the liver and kidneys, making it harder for the body to eliminate toxins efficiently. 

The vagus nerve, which is the main highway of the parasympathetic “rest, regulate, and digest” branch of the Autonomic Nervous System, is particularly vulnerable to subluxation. When the vagus nerve is impaired, it can’t effectively counterbalance the Sympathetic Nervous System, further perpetuating the state of toxic overload. A dysfunctional vagus nerve also means poor communication between the brain and the gut, where a significant portion of detoxification takes place.

This combination of subluxation, sympathetic dominance, and vagus nerve dysfunction creates a vicious cycle. The more toxins accumulate, the more they disrupt nervous system function. The more the nervous system is dysregulated, the harder it becomes for the body to detoxify. It’s a catch-22 that can keep children locked in a state of neurological and immunological chaos—unless the cycle is broken through targeted intervention.

Supporting Detox with Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care

If subluxation and nervous system dysregulation are at the root of the toxic accumulation and vicious cycle we’ve described, it stands to reason that correcting these imbalances should be the first step in any detoxification protocol. This is where Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care comes in.

Chiropractic adjustments directly stimulate the vagus nerve, which, as we’ve seen, plays a central role in regulating inflammation and facilitating detoxification. By manually stimulating this key nerve, adjustments can help “jumpstart” a sluggish detox system. 

At PX Docs, we use state-of-the-art technology called INSiGHT scans to measure nervous system function before and after adjustments objectively. These scans measure heart rate variability, muscle tension, and thermal patterns to give us a detailed picture of a child’s autonomic balance and vagal tone.

By tracking these metrics over time, we can ensure that adjustments are having the desired effect and that healing is progressing, even if external signs may ebb and flow.

This inside-out approach stands in stark contrast to the allopathic model of suppressing signs with medications. While pharmaceuticals may provide temporary relief, they do not address the underlying cause of the child’s suffering. Worse, many medications actually add to the toxic burden on the body, further compromising detox pathways. 

Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care, on the other hand, works with the body’s innate wisdom and healing capacity, supporting it to release what doesn’t belong safely and naturally.

Supporting Your Child During a Detox Reaction

If your child is in the midst of a detox reaction, you may be feeling overwhelmed and disheartened. Watching your child struggle is never easy, and it’s natural to question whether you’re doing the right thing. Please know that you’re not alone, and that what you’re witnessing is a powerful sign of healing, even if it doesn’t feel that way at the moment.

There are several things you can do to support your child’s body during this intense phase:

  • Increase their frequency of chiropractic adjustments to give their nervous system and every core system of the body extra support in terms of function, adaptability, and performance. 
  • Focus on nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory foods to give their cells the building blocks they need to repair and regenerate. Bone broths, fermented vegetables, and healthy fats are all excellent choices.
  • Ensure your child is well-hydrated to assist the body in flushing out toxins. Aim for half their body weight in ounces of pure, filtered water each day.
  • Epsom salt baths can be a soothing way to promote detoxification through the skin. Add 1 cup of Epsom salts to a warm bath and let your child soak for 20 minutes before bed.
  • Prioritize rest and sleep to allow your child’s body to devote maximum energy to healing. Know that increased sleep is a common sign that deep repair is occurring.

Most importantly, trust the process and your parental instincts. You know your child best. With the support of your PX Doc, you are giving your child the best possible chance at a healthy future. 

Hope for Healing

Regression during detox can be a confusing and alarming experience for parents. However, when viewed through the lens of the nervous system, it becomes clear that these temporary setbacks are actually signs of incredible progress.

By understanding the “Perfect Storm” of factors that lead to toxic accumulation, and the role of subluxation and dysautonomia in perpetuating this cycle, we can appreciate why detoxification is rarely a linear process. The worsening of signs is not a failure of a care plan, but a sign that the care is working to uncover deeper layers that need to be addressed.

Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care offers an effective way to restore nervous system balance and promotes how to detox your nervous system naturally. By working from the inside out, this approach honors the body’s innate wisdom and capacity to heal.

If your child is struggling, know that you’re not alone. There is hope for healing, and it lies in trusting the resilience of your child’s body and the power of a nervous system functioning at its best. If you’re ready to take the first step on this journey, we invite you to visit the PX Docs directory to find a chiropractor near you. 

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