Imagine the terror that grips your heart as you watch your newborn baby’s tiny body stiffen and limbs jerk uncontrollably. You feel helpless, confused, and desperate for answers. This frightening experience is one that many parents face when their baby experiences a newborn seizure.
Newborn seizures are sudden, abnormal electrical disturbances in the brain that occur within the first 28 days of life for full-term infants. They affect 1 to 5 out of every 1,000 live births, making them one of the most common neurological emergencies in the neonatal period.
Additionally, many parents observe more subtle but still concerning shaking, tremors, and other seizure-like behaviors in their infants that may not register on medical testing as official seizure activity, but nonetheless is still often a sign of nervous system distress and dysregulation.
In this article, we will explore the world of newborn seizures, exploring their types, signs, and potential causes. More importantly, we will discuss the vital role of nervous system function and regulation in these events and how Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care can help address the root cause of the problem.
What are Newborn Seizures?
Newborn seizures, also known as neonatal seizures, are sudden, unusual electrical disturbances in the brain that occur during the first 28 days of life for full-term infants. In preterm babies, seizures may occur up to 44 weeks of gestational age. These abnormal electrical discharges disrupt the normal functioning of the brain, leading to a range of observable signs.
Diagnosing baby seizures is challenging as signs like lip-smacking, eye-rolling, and leg cycling can also occur in healthy infants, making them hard to distinguish from normal behavior. This is why healthcare professionals must typically use EEG tests for an accurate diagnosis.
An EEG is the gold standard for diagnosing newborn seizures. EEG testing records the brain’s electric activity using small electrodes placed on the baby’s scalp. By analyzing the EEG patterns, doctors can identify abnormal discharges and determine if a baby is experiencing seizures, even if there are no visible signs.
It is crucial to diagnose newborn seizures promptly because:
- Seizures can be a sign of an underlying neurological problem that requires immediate attention and care plans.
- Prolonged or frequent seizures can lead to decreased oxygen supply to the brain, which may result in long-term damage and developmental delays or issues.
- Early intervention and management can help prevent complications and improve outcomes for babies with seizures.
This is why understanding the nature of newborn seizures is so important for providing the best possible care for affected babies and their families.
Types and Signs of Seizures in Babies
Baby seizures can manifest in various ways, depending on the type of seizure and the area of the brain affected. This includes conditions like infantile spasms, which are characterized by sudden, jerky movements that can occur in clusters. Parents and caregivers must recognize the different types of seizures and their signs to identify potential seizure activity and seek prompt medical attention.
The four main types of newborn seizures are subtle, tonic, clonic, and myoclonic seizures.
Subtle Seizures
Subtle baby seizures are the most common type of seizure in newborns, particularly in full-term infants. These seizures can be easily overlooked or mistaken for normal baby behavior because the signs are often mild and nonspecific.
Signs of subtle seizures include:
- Eye movements: rolling, blinking, staring, or uncontrolled movements
- Mouth movements: sucking, smacking, or tongue protrusion
- Cycling movements of the legs
- Apnea (long pauses in breathing)
Tonic Seizures
Tonic baby seizures involve a sudden stiffening of the body or limbs, often accompanied by an upward deviation of the eyes. The baby may appear to be in a “fencing” position, with one arm extended and the other bent. Tonic seizures usually last a few seconds to a minute and can occur in clusters.
Clonic Seizures
Clonic baby seizures are characterized by rhythmic jerking movements of the face, arms, or legs. These seizures may involve one or both sides of the body and can last for several minutes. Clonic seizures are less common than subtle or tonic seizures in newborns.
Myoclonic Seizures
Myoclonic baby seizures involve rapid, single jerks of the arms or legs. These seizures can be difficult to distinguish from normal startle reflexes in newborns. However, myoclonic seizures tend to be more forceful and occur in clusters. They are more common in preterm infants and may be a sign of severe brain dysfunction.
It is important to note that not all newborn seizures have obvious clinical signs, and some may only be detected through EEG monitoring. In some cases, seizures may also be accompanied by autonomic changes, such as fluctuations in heart rate or blood pressure, which can provide additional clues for diagnosis.
What Causes Seizures in Newborn Babies?
Newborn seizures can have various causes, ranging from birth complications to underlying neurological conditions. At PX Docs, we recognize the significant role of The “Perfect Storm” concept in the development of many pediatric health issues, including newborn seizures.
The “Perfect Storm” refers to a combination of factors that can lead to nervous system dysregulation, setting the stage for various health challenges. In the case of newborn seizures, these factors may include:
- Maternal stress during pregnancy: Research has found that high levels of stress and anxiety during pregnancy can impact the developing brain of the baby, making it more susceptible to neurological issues.
- Birth trauma and interventions: Complications during labor and delivery, such as lack of oxygen (asphyxia), difficult or prolonged labor, or the use of forceps or vacuum extraction, have been found to cause physical trauma to the baby’s delicate nervous system or even brain injury.
- Subluxation and neurological dysfunction: Birth trauma can lead to misalignments in the nervous system (subluxations), which can disrupt normal neurological function and contribute to the development of seizures.
In addition to The “Perfect Storm” factors, other potential causes of newborn seizures include:
- Infections: Meningitis (infection of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord) and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) can trigger seizures in newborns.
- Brain malformations: Structural abnormalities in the brain, such as cortical dysplasia or hydrocephalus, can cause seizures.
- Metabolic conditions: Imbalances in electrolytes, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), or inborn errors of metabolism can lead to seizures.
- Genetic factors: Some newborns may have a genetic predisposition to seizures or inherit certain epilepsy syndromes.
Identifying the underlying cause of newborn seizures is crucial for determining the most appropriate course of care and management.
The Neurological Connection to Newborn Seizures
At the core of PX Docs’ approach to pediatric health is the understanding that the nervous system plays a central role in overall well-being. This is particularly true for newborns, whose rapidly developing brains and nervous systems are highly susceptible to the impact of stress, trauma, and dysfunction.
In the case of seizures in babies, The “Perfect Storm” of maternal stress, birth trauma, and subluxation can lead to significant neurological imbalances. These imbalances, known as dysautonomia, occur when the Autonomic Nervous System (which regulates involuntary functions like heart rate, breathing, and digestion) becomes disrupted.
Dysautonomia can manifest as an overactivation of the Sympathetic Nervous System (the “fight or flight” response) and an underactivation of the Parasympathetic Nervous System (the “rest, regulate, and digest” response). This imbalance can contribute to the development of baby seizures and other neurological situations in newborns.
Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care
Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care is a non-invasive approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of seizures in babies and other neurological conditions. Rather than merely masking traits with medication, this approach aims to promote the body’s natural healing abilities by optimizing nervous system regulation.
One of the key tools used by PX Docs chiropractors is the INSiGHT Scanning Technology. This advanced diagnostic system provides a detailed assessment of the nervous system, allowing chiropractors to pinpoint areas of subluxation and dysautonomia that may contribute to seizure activity.
Below is an example of an infant patient struggling with seizures and significant developmental delays. This NeuroThermal scan clearly demonstrates significant patterns of subluxation, dysautonomia, and nervous system dysregulation throughout the NeuroSpinal System.
It’s important to note that Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care does not look to treat or cure seizures, or any other condition. Rather we take a root cause nervous system focused approach that looks to restore optimal function and regulation in a more natural, holistic manner. By decreasing the excessive sympathetic nervous system activity and increasing or stimulating the vagus nerve and parasympathetic system, many infant and other seizure patients find significant improvements in their quality of life and lower their dependency on medications and other interventions, which of course come with a whole host of unwanted side effects.
Caring For Neonatal Seizures Today
Newborn seizures can be a frightening and overwhelming experience for parents and caregivers. However, by understanding the types, causes, and available care options, families can feel more empowered and better equipped to navigate this challenging journey.
At PX Docs, we recognize the critical role of proper nervous system function in the development and management of newborn seizures. Our approach, centered around Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care, aims to address the root cause of neurological dysfunction and promote optimal brain and nervous system development.
If your newborn has experienced seizures, or if you’re concerned about your baby’s milestones, we encourage you to explore the benefits of Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care. Visit our PX Docs directory to find a qualified practitioner near you and take the first step towards supporting your baby’s unique needs and developmental journey.
Remember, you are not alone in this journey. With the right support, knowledge, and care, your family can navigate the challenges of newborn seizures and help them to become seizure-free, clear, and thriving.