From Numerous Struggles to So Many Smiles

Name: Navi
Challenge: Perfect Storm Challenges

Story Of Hope For Navi

Navigating through Navi’s health challenges was like an uphill battle. Frequent ear 👂🏻 infections, the looming threat of tubes, daily allergy meds, and nasal spray – it was a whirlwind of worries. 🌪️ And let’s not forget about acid reflux and sensory issues, making everyday activities a real challenge.

Navi was also a “happy spitter,” gaining weight but struggling with sensory sensitivities and even motion sickness in the car. 😔 Nights were restless, and daily routines turned into emotional rollercoasters. Mom said she questioned if she was parenting right because nothing seemed to work.

Mom said, “traditional medical care would fix things for a little bit,  but it would also go back to being a problem.  

That’s when they found their local PX Doc office! 🌟 They finally discovered a connection between his struggles and his nervous system, which was getting in the way of him actually healing and overcoming his challenges.

Mom says, “In just two weeks, I noticed a change. Navi let me brush his teeth and apply lotion without a fight. Months in, we had our first haircut that didn’t involve tears and clinging. 😭

And after sticking with his care consistently, Navi is a whole new man! 😉 Mom says, “Today, our family is happier, more rested, and bursting with smiles. 💖 I feel like I’ve invested in their future, and they’re blossoming into their best selves. Being their mother has never felt this rewarding.” 🌼✨

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