From Major Sensory Overload and Food Aversions to More Calm and Enjoying All the New Foods

Name: Oliver
Challenge: Sensory Overload, Food Aversions

Story Of Hope For Oliver

How Oliver got the Doctors to drink hot sauce…🌶️🥵

Before Oliver found a PX Doc office, he struggled with major sensory food aversions.  Even French fries 🍟 and mac n cheese 🧀 were on the “no-go” list for him. His nervous system was so overwhelmed with sensory overload that his body was perceiving textured food like it was toxic goo. ❌

Once his nervous system 🧠 was more calm and coordinated with Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care, Oliver started trying new foods! French fries, apples, and cucumbers were at the top of his list- all of which he liked! 🙌 Then it turned into a fun challenge.

Being so proud of Oliver, the doctors said that if he continued exploring some more foods, they would take a swig from a nasty condiment of Oliver’s choice- HOT SAUCE! 🌶️

So Oliver, being the most fun and amazing young man that he is, tried bacon 🥓, avocado 🥑, french toast, AND steak 🥩 (and rated them with a percentage of how much he liked them). Way to go, Oliver!

You can probably guess what happened next! That hot sauce did not go down well for the docs. 🤣 All in good fun for kiddos like Oliver, who brighten our day and are conquering their goals like crazy! We are super proud of you!!

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