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What is High-Functioning Autism in Children?

Updated on Oct 8, 2024

Reviewed By: PJ Howland

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If your child struggles with social interactions, has intense interests or repetitive behaviors, and experiences sensory sensitivities, you may have heard the term “high-functioning autism” used to describe their experience. 

High-functioning autism, while not an official medical diagnosis refers to individuals on the autism spectrum who have strong verbal skills and average to above-average intelligence but still face significant challenges in social communication, behavioral flexibility, and sensory processing. 

At PX Docs, we understand the frustration and heartache that come with watching your child struggle despite their many strengths and abilities. That’s why we’re committed to providing a unique perspective on the different types of autism, including high-functioning autism in children.

By viewing autism through the lens of nervous system function and regulation, we aim to empower families with a deeper understanding of their child’s needs and provide gentle, effective care that unlocks their full potential.

Is Level 2 Autism High-Functioning?

High-functioning autism (HFA) is a term used to describe individuals on the autism spectrum who have average to above-average intelligence and strong verbal skills but still experience significant challenges in social interaction, communication, and behavior. 

While HFA is not an official medical diagnosis, it is often used to refer to those who would have previously been diagnosed with high-functioning Asperger’s syndrome, a condition that was once considered distinct from autism.

Under the current DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, individuals with HFA are typically classified as having ASD Level 1, which means they require some support to navigate social situations and maintain relationships but can generally function independently in daily life. 

Recent studies suggest that the prevalence of autism has increased dramatically in recent years, with estimates suggesting that 1 in 36 children in the United States may be on the autism spectrum. While the reasons for this increase are complex and multifaceted, it is clear that more families than ever are seeking answers and support for their children’s unique needs.

Signs and Symptoms of High-Functioning Autism in Children

Individuals with high-functioning autism may present with a wide range of signs and symptoms, which can vary in severity and impact daily life. While no two people with HFA are exactly alike, there are several common challenges that many individuals face:

  1. Social and Communication Difficulties
  • Trouble understanding and using nonverbal cues, such as facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice
  • Difficulty initiating and maintaining conversations, especially about topics outside of their specific interests
  • Struggles with understanding and expressing emotions, leading to challenges in forming and maintaining friendships
  1. Restricted Interests and Repetitive Behaviors
  • Intense focus on specific topics or activities, often to the exclusion of other interests
  • Adherence to rigid routines and difficulty with transitions or changes in schedule
  • Repetitive behaviors, such as hand flapping, rocking, or repeating words or phrases (known as echolalia)
  1. Sensory Processing Issues
  • Heightened sensitivity to certain sensory inputs, such as sounds, lights, textures, or smells
  • Difficulty filtering out background noise or visual stimuli, leading to sensory overload and distress
  • Seeking out or avoiding specific sensory experiences, such as deep pressure or certain food textures
  1. Emotional Regulation Challenges
  • Difficulty understanding and managing emotions, both their own and those of others
  • Prone to emotional outbursts or meltdowns, especially when feeling overwhelmed or frustrated
  • Struggles with anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns, which can be exacerbated by social and sensory challenges
  1. Motor Skill and Coordination Difficulties
  • Delays in fine and gross motor skill development, such as handwriting, tying shoes, or catching a ball
  • Clumsiness or awkward gait, which can impact participation in sports or physical activities
  • Challenges with motor planning and sequencing, leading to difficulty with daily tasks such as dressing or preparing food

While signs and symptoms of high-functioning autism vary and can change over time, individuals often have significant strengths, such as exceptional memory and attention to detail, that can support their success and well-being.

The Neurological Basis of High-Functioning Autism in Children

At PX Docs, we understand that the challenges faced by individuals with high-functioning autism are not simply a matter of behavior or learning style but are rooted in the complex interplay of neurological factors that shape brain development and function. 

By taking a closer look at the role of the nervous system in autism, we can begin to unravel the underlying causes of the social, sensory, and behavioral difficulties that many individuals with HFA experience.

The concept of subluxation, or disruption of optimal nervous system communication between the brain and the body that disrupts overall neurological function, is crucial to understanding autism’s real root cause. These subluxations may disrupt brain-body communication, potentially contributing to sensory processing issues, emotional regulation difficulties, speech and communication, and motor coordination challenges in individuals with HFA.

Another key factor in the neurological basis of autism is dysautonomia, or imbalances in the autonomic nervous system. This system regulates many of the body’s involuntary functions, such as heart rate and stress response regulation. In individuals with HFA, dysautonomia can manifest as heightened anxiety, gastrointestinal issues, and difficulty with self-regulation, all of which can impact daily functioning and quality of life.

The “Perfect Storm” of High-Functioning Autism

At PX Docs, we also recognize the role of environmental factors in shaping the developing nervous system, a concept we refer to as “The Perfect Storm.” This term encompasses the multitude of stressors that can impact brain development and function, including:

  • Prenatal factors, such as maternal stress or illness during pregnancy
  • Birth interventions or trauma, such as forceps delivery or prolonged labor
  • Early life experiences, such as hospitalization, surgery, or frequent antibiotic use
  • Environmental toxins, such as heavy metals or pesticides

Fortunately, by understanding the complex interplay of these neurological and environmental factors, we can begin to develop targeted, effective interventions that address the root causes of the challenges faced by individuals with high-functioning autism. 

Challenges Faced by Individuals with High-Functioning Autism

Despite their many strengths and abilities, individuals with high-functioning autism often face significant challenges in their daily lives. These challenges can impact their ability to form and maintain relationships, succeed in school or work, and navigate the complexities of the social world.

Social Challenges

One of the most significant challenges faced by individuals with HFA is difficulty with social interactions and relationships. Many individuals struggle to understand and use nonverbal cues, such as facial expressions and body language, which can make it difficult to engage in reciprocal conversations and build connections with others. 

Sensory Challenges

Sensory overload is another common challenge for individuals with high-functioning autism. Many individuals are highly sensitive to certain sensory inputs, such as bright lights, loud noises, or specific textures, which can lead to feelings of overwhelm and distress. 

Developing coping strategies to manage sensory overload, such as wearing noise-canceling headphones or taking breaks in quiet spaces, can be essential for maintaining well-being and functioning in daily life.

Executive Functioning Challenges

Executive functioning challenges, such as difficulty with planning, organization, and time management, can also impact individuals with HFA. These challenges can make it difficult to complete daily tasks, manage responsibilities at school or work, and maintain a sense of structure and routine. 

Developing strategies and supports to address executive functioning difficulties, such as using visual schedules or breaking tasks into smaller steps, can be essential for promoting independence and success.

Mental Health Challenges

Mental health comorbidities, such as anxiety and depression, are also common among individuals with high-functioning autism. The social and sensory challenges associated with HFA can contribute to feelings of isolation and low self-esteem, which can exacerbate mental health concerns. 

Addressing mental health needs through therapy, medication, or other supports can be crucial for promoting overall well-being and quality of life.

Educational and Employment Challenges

Finally, navigating education and employment can be a significant challenge for individuals with high-functioning autism. Many individuals may struggle with the social and communication demands of traditional classroom or workplace settings, leading to difficulties with academic achievement or job performance. 

Developing accommodations and supports, such as modified assignments or workplace modifications, can be essential for promoting success and inclusion.

The PX Docs Approach to High-Functioning Autism

At PX Docs, we understand the unique challenges faced by individuals with high-functioning autism and are committed to providing comprehensive, neurologically focused care that addresses the root causes of these difficulties. 

One key tool we use to assess neurological function is the INSiGHT Scan, a noninvasive technology that allows us to detect areas of subluxation and nervous system dysfunction. By identifying specific patterns of neurological interference and dysautonomia, we can develop targeted care plan plans that address the unique needs of each individual with HFA.

Our approach to care has helped many individuals with high-functioning autism improve their daily lives by addressing underlying neurological factors contributing to sensory processing difficulties, emotional regulation challenges, and other symptoms of HFA.

Unlocking Your Child’s Full Potential

High-functioning autism in children is a complex and multifaceted condition. However, by understanding the unique strengths and needs of individuals with HFA, and taking a comprehensive, neurologically-focused approach to care, we can unlock the full potential of every individual on the spectrum.

At PX Docs, we are committed to providing the highest quality care for individuals with high-functioning autism, addressing the root causes of their challenges and empowering them to thrive. Through our advanced assessment tools, targeted care plans, and compassionate support, we have seen countless lives transformed and families empowered to navigate the journey of autism with greater ease and joy.

If you or a loved one is struggling with the challenges of high-functioning autism, we invite you to find a PX Doc near you and learn more about how our approach can help. By taking the first step towards neurologically focused care, you can begin the journey toward greater balance, regulation, and fulfillment for your child and your entire family.

Together, we can create a brighter future for all individuals with high-functioning autism, one in which their unique strengths and abilities are celebrated and their challenges are met with understanding, compassion, and effective support. 

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