Every member of our team has extensive experience working with children in a variety of settings and does their best to help every patient and their families feel seen, heard, comfortable and empowered throughout the entire experience. It often feels more like visiting with friends than going to the doctor’s office around here!
At the first appointment, we will give you a tour of the office, gather a thorough health history, check vitals and range of motion and complete a physical exam with the doctor that includes some palpation and a simple sensory test. We will also complete a 3 part neurologic scan. The scans include an (1) HRV which checks for heart rate variability over the course of 3 minutes while seated in a calm environment, (2) THERMAL scan which checks for temperature discrepancies from the spinal nerves that innervate all of the organ systems (liver, spleen, pancreas, etc.) to determine which areas of the body the brain is sending signal and information to the most and the least, and (3) SEMG which tracks how well the brain is communicating with all of her muscles in gravity to help us understand the body’s efficiency and coordination. It typically takes about an hour for the whole appointment.
The second part of the new patient experience is typically about 20-30 minutes. Dr Bench will sit down with you and go over all of the results from the scans and the physical exam and explain exactly what is going on in the nervous system and in the body. We will present you with a custom care plan recommendation and a financial estimate. We will also jump into action behind the scenes after this appointment to get the entire care plan and payment schedule sorted out so that it’s automated and super easy for you. Dr Bench will specifically choose primary areas of focus for her adjustment based on the results of the scan and exam. He also provides excellent baby doll or teddy bear adjustments to show you exactly what that will look like, if that’s helpful for you or your child