At 2 years old little James was fighting a pretty big battle. One day he had multiple terrifying seizures, which led to a children’s hospital visit . James ended up getting diagnosed with epilepsy, but even the medications
they put him on weren’t helping his seizures.
On top of that, his ability to regulate his mood and behavior was out of control. His tantrums and meltdowns were excessive and he was unable to calm down . It got to the point where he had to be separated from his sister because he was pulling her hair out, kicking, and biting.
Mom said they felt completely helpless. At that point they didn’t know where to turn for help and it was extremely difficult to even leave the house because of his struggles.
But, even though James was struggling, these behaviors were not the real James. James is the sweetest, most fun-loving little dude who really loves playing and giggling with his sister. His body was just so caught up in a storm of stress – that he couldn’t be himself no matter how hard he tried.
When they made it to PWC, James’ scans showed that his nervous system (the controller of all bodily functions) was absolutely exhausted at the age of 3. An exhausted nervous system means the body isn’t very adaptable to stress- leaving it unable to self-regulate and more prone to go into seizures.
With his specific care plan that helped calm the storm within his body – mom said she finally has her sweet James back
. Not only have his seizures significantly decreased
(he’s gone four months straight without having seizures
) but his mood and behavior is much more happy and regulated!! “We finally got our James back” mom said.
Now James and his sister get to play again (and race each other around the track at PWC, giggling all the way through ). We are so happy for this amazing family- and the life they get to live together.